Saturday 15 September 2012

Kilimanjaro B&W Photos

Recently I was lucky enough to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. I reached the summit at 6:40 in the morning on the 6th of July to a beautiful sunrise. Here are some pictures of my trip.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! More coming soon of my African Safari! 

Sunday 1 January 2012

Hire me

Hey....I need some money. Anyone who needs some vfx work done, I have free time, and I need to practice anyway. I can do intros, and effects for live action, maybe even some full CG stuff. Email me at or go to my youtube channel. I am Isa1996100 on youtube.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


Just downloaded a new build of blender with a new render engine called Cycles. It's amazing. To test it I made a small scene and rendered it from a few different angles. The pictures have a bit of grain, but overall they look a lot better than I'm used to getting with blender internal. I'm excited to see what else I can do!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Cinema 4D

I just got cinema 4D. Can't wait to upload some of my new stuff!

Friday 9 September 2011


Hey guys. It's Friday, and I just finished my first week of school. It has been crazy. I have to wake up at 6:30 every morning, and let me tell you, it is not fun. Tomorrow I am sleeping in as long as I can. Anyway, I haven't posted for a while, and it might be a while before my next post. I am working on something in blender, and I'm not going to tell you what it is yet. Soon I'll start giving hints, and I hope to finish it before Christmas. Well, that's all I have time for now!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Hogwarts Renders: From Old To New

This is a compilation of all the renders of Hogwarts Castle that I have. Hogwarts was one of the first projects I started in Blender (or any 3D program actually) and I'm still working on it today, so you can see that the renders at the beginning are crap, but they continually get better as it goes along. Most of these are already on my blog, but I decided yo put it into a video, and include some of the earlier ones that I haven't posted here.

Friday 5 August 2011


Just got back from three weeks at camp. One of those weeks was a canoe trip, which was amazing. But really it was awesome just to sleep in a real bed after three weeks. I'm going to post pictures later of the canoe trip.