Tuesday 8 November 2011


Just downloaded a new build of blender with a new render engine called Cycles. It's amazing. To test it I made a small scene and rendered it from a few different angles. The pictures have a bit of grain, but overall they look a lot better than I'm used to getting with blender internal. I'm excited to see what else I can do!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Cinema 4D

I just got cinema 4D. Can't wait to upload some of my new stuff!

Friday 9 September 2011


Hey guys. It's Friday, and I just finished my first week of school. It has been crazy. I have to wake up at 6:30 every morning, and let me tell you, it is not fun. Tomorrow I am sleeping in as long as I can. Anyway, I haven't posted for a while, and it might be a while before my next post. I am working on something in blender, and I'm not going to tell you what it is yet. Soon I'll start giving hints, and I hope to finish it before Christmas. Well, that's all I have time for now!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Hogwarts Renders: From Old To New

This is a compilation of all the renders of Hogwarts Castle that I have. Hogwarts was one of the first projects I started in Blender (or any 3D program actually) and I'm still working on it today, so you can see that the renders at the beginning are crap, but they continually get better as it goes along. Most of these are already on my blog, but I decided yo put it into a video, and include some of the earlier ones that I haven't posted here.

Friday 5 August 2011


Just got back from three weeks at camp. One of those weeks was a canoe trip, which was amazing. But really it was awesome just to sleep in a real bed after three weeks. I'm going to post pictures later of the canoe trip.

Sunday 26 June 2011


Sorry for two posts in like ten minutes, but I also wanted to post a few renders of Hogwarts that have some new terrain in them. Actually I think it might only be one. It took about 20 times to get it to finish rendering, all the times before that it crashed. I added some simple texture to the landscape, and I want to make it better for the future.

Here are the stills:


Today me, my Dad, and my Brother finished building our deck. We had an addition to our house made last year, and the new deck looks great with it. I can't wait to BBQ steaks all the time....which is what I'm gonna do. I'm also gonna go on a SHIT LOAD of bike rides and work out at the gym...thats what summer should be. I think I might put up some pictures of the deck soon. Once all the plants are there, it will look better so maybe I'll wait until then. Thats all!

Friday 24 June 2011


Ah summer! School is finally over, and I am free to do what I want. I spent a bit of time on the Hogwarts model, and even managed to get two renders of it which I'll upload later. I also spent time with friends, which is always nice. We went to someone's house and watched movies, and then played football in the rain. Good day. One of the friends was Bamcameback...you should check out his blog too! It is http://bamcameback.blogspot.com/

Anyway I'm just really happy it's finally summer. I'm gonna spend my time riding my bike and chillin. Peace.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Last Hogwarts Render

So my computer has decided to stop rendering Hogwarts. Blender quits before an render is finished. I can render without landscape, but that means the model hangs in mid-air. I managed to get one last render of the covered bridge. Hopefully I will get past this problem. Anyway I'll continue to post pictures of Hogwarts without the landscape. Also even without the landscape, it takes too long to render videos, so from now on, at least for a while, it's going to be just stills.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Hogwarts At Night

Just another Hogwarts update. I wanted to do a few renders of the castle at night, so I decided to go ahead and do it. It wasn't difficult. All I had to do was change the lighting and put a new sky. Hope you like them!

Monday 20 June 2011

Covered Bridge

Update on Hogwarts: The video of Hogwarts was halfway through rendering when it crashed, so I decided to work a bit on the model, and render a few stills. I did a lot of work on the covered bridge.

Here they are from oldest to newest:


Hey.....I just came home from my first exam. It was easy and I only have two more. Right now the complete Hogwarts pan-around is rendering, and really slowing down my computer. It sucks. It has already crashed 3 times, and I've had to start over. There's another video I tried rendering a while ago. It was just a bedroom, with a bed and some sheets. For some reason it took a week to render (yes you heard right) and then my dad unplugged the computer literally ten minutes before it would have been done. I lost the whole thing, and didn't have the heart to try again. But I think I might. We'll see.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Hogwarts Pan Around

This is part one of a pan around of Hogwarts that I've been doing. I've tried to render the rest of it but it keeps crashing my computer. I'll try to upload it as soon as possible.

Friday 10 June 2011

Here's an update on my model of Hogwarts. I have added some windows and detail around the castle. Hope you like it!  

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Hey, so these are my two test animations of my Hogwarts model. Neither are the updated version of the castle. I am working to get a version that will warrant a new render. Hope you like it!

Also, here are a few test renders (still images) that are a bit more recent. Enjoy!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Hogwarts 3D Model

Hey again. So lately i have been working on a 3D model of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series. I think the movies are pretty cool, but I am especially interested in the architecture of the castle. I decided to try to improve my modelling skills in Blender, and build the castle. So far it hasn't been too difficult, but very time consuming. I am about a third of the way through, and the hardest parts are still to come.

If anyone on here can give me any advice, I would really like to hear it. I don't want to finish the model and then find out no one likes it, so some criticism while modelling would be very useful.


Monday 30 May 2011


Hey guys, I just got back from my friend's house, where we finished assembling and testing our new steady-cams. If you don't know, a steady-cam is a stabilizer used to keep the image steady when filming, instead of shaky handheld footage. I really recommend making one of these, to anyone who enjoys filmmaking. You may have heard this same story from bamcameback, who is a good friend of mine, and helped me build the steady-cam. I will upload some videos soon, of comparisons of with and without the steady-cam.

I might also be posting some scenes from a movie I am planning to shoot over the summer, for your opinions. I haven't really decided quite what it will be about, but I have a lot of ideas. Please give suggestions. All ideas are welcome, and really needed!